minimal submanifold

  • 网络极小子流形;极小子廖
minimal submanifoldminimal submanifold
  1. The Conform Flat Minimal Submanifold in a Sphere


  2. Geometrical and topological obstructions of 4-dimensional Minimal Submanifold in sphere


  3. Problem of Pinching of the Length of Ricci Curvature of the Minimal Submanifold in Space Form


  4. Necessary and Sufficient Condition of totally Geodesic and Minimal Submanifold On R ~ ( m + 1 ) of Hypersurface M ~ m


  5. Sufficient conditions for a simply-connected domain of 2-dimensional minimal submanifold immerged in 2 + p-dimensional manifold of quasi-constant curvature to be stable were proved .


  6. The purpose of the present paper is to study generic minimal submanifold of quaternionic projective space , an integral formula is obtained , and we obtain the sectional curvature 's pinching theorem of the compact minimal submanifold .


  7. A totally real minimal compact submanifold in complex space-form is studied to obtain the global Pinching theorems .
